Alternatives Screening analysis at power net for oil platforms
Villamena, Albuñuelas, El Valle and Nigüelas. Granada
Biodiversity studies: avifauna, bats, mammals and herpetofauna.
Jimena de la Frontera, San Martín del Tesorillo and Castellar de la Frontera in Cádiz; and Gaucín, Casares, Estepona and Manilva in Málaga.
Annual study of avifauna in the surroundings of solar photovoltaic plants (PSFV) of the Jordana 400 and Jordana 220 nodes, province of Cadiz and Malaga.
Chucena, Huelva
Annual study of avifauna in the surroundings of a PSFV and its evacuation infrastructure.
Campillos, Antequera, Valle de Abdalajís and Álora. Málaga
Analysis of data concerning the impact on avifauna and HIC of the evacuation line of the PFV “Tajo de la Encantada”, and development of compensatory measures associated with it.
Torrecilla de la Tiesa and Aldeacentenera, Cáceres
Capture of little bustard (Tetraz tetrax) for radiomarking, for biodiversity conservation purposes, in compliance with a compensatory measure of the PSFV Ictio Orion 150 MW and its evacuation infrastructure.
Bienvenida and Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz.
Biodiversity studies (avifauna, bats, mammals and connectivity, botany and HIC, herpetofauna and entomofauna) in the surroundings of the PFV “Júcar” project and alternatives of evacuation lines, located in the municipalities of Calzadilla de los Barros.
Santiago, Chile
Second Conference on Wind Energy Projects and their Impacts on Birds.
Gdańsk, Poland
Lecture about wind farms and impacts on birds and bats populations. 2nd Wind Conference
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lecture about wind farms and impacts on birds and bats populations. Eagles of the Palearctic Conference.
Bat population study previous to the refurbishing of the Somport Tunnel. French and Spanish tunnel mouths.
Vila Nova de Mil Fontes
Endangered flora çonservation plan for Camposol farm.
Holguera, Cáceres
Environmental Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Action Plan
Malagón and Fuente El Saz
Environmental Monitoring of the Malagón and Fuente El Saz Wind Farms. Castilla-La Mancha
Esplugas, Tarragona
Biodiversity Studies Solar Photovoltaic Plant in L'Espluga de Francolí, Taragona, Spain.
Villar de Cañas, Cuenca
Biodiversity studies for the hybrid project PE-PSFV Villar de Cañas, Cuenca.
Finca Sotomayor, Aranjuez
Biodiversity Action Plan for the Sotomayor Farm of IMIDRA, Aranjuez, Spain.
Arteixo, A Coruña
Environmental Impact Study and Biodiversity Studies for the FAT Self-consumption Wind Farm (A Coruña).
Environmental proceedings for the Mazo Wind Farm, Burgos.
San Ciprian, Lugo
Restoration Plan. Landscape Impact and Integration Study. ALCOA
Soto del Real, Madrid
Plan for mycological use and management of informants in La Pedriza and Hoya de San Blas Mycological Preserve (Madrid)
Albarracín, Teruel
Technical assistance for the Mycological Park of the Community of Albarracín
Lanzarote, Canary Islands
Guidelines and Work Protocols for Drone Flights on the Island of Lanzarote
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Río Tajo, Zorita de los Canes. Guadalajara
Study of the Hydromorphological and Sanitary State of the River Reserve Sotos del río Tajo.
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Punta de la Flecha, Lepe. Huelva
Biodiversity actions at Punta de la Flecha associated with the Palos de la Frontera Combined Cycle Power Plant.
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Cela. Angola
Rehabilitation of a dam, including supply and installation of a system for catchment, adduction and pivot irrigation at the IIA Experimental Station
Jarama River, Seseña (Toledo)
Restoration of the banks of the Jarama River. Seseña
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Mar Menor, Murcia
Study and prevention of bird mortality associated with fishing gear in the Mar Menor.
Castelo Branco
Habitat suitability study Pescaz Greenfield. Castelo Branco
Cuanza Sul – Huíla, Angola
Feasibility and engineering studies for the rehabilitation of 1500ha of irrigation systems in the provinces of Cuanza Sul- Huíla
Animal Welfare audits at tourism attractions using fauna.
HSE Phase I Due Diligence for O&G Operator in two offshore blocks
EIA of Panamá-Colombia Electrical Interconnection
EIA of 2 offshore exploration oil wells
Trinidad y Tobago
Marine Discharges study from Oil Platforms at 3 oil fields
HSE Phase I Due Diligence for O&G Operator in two blocks
EIA of Panamá-Colombia Electrical Interconnection
EIA and Biodiversity Action Plan for a gas operation
Technical Support at scientific station of Altaisky Nature Reserve
Animal welfare audits of tourist attractions that use wildlife.
Anllares del Sil
Restoration Project and Biodiversity Action Plan for Anllares Coal Power Plant dismantling
Villarino de los Aires, Spain
View project infoBaydiversity, Spain
View project infoRomania
HSE Phase I Due Diligence for O&G Operator in 3 blocks
Animal Welfare audits at tourism attractions using fauna.
EIA of 16 exploration oil wells
Animal Welfare audits at tourism attractions using fauna.
Central Desalination Plant, Gaza Strip
View project infoSaudi Arabia
EIA Training for SEC Thermal Plants managers
EIA for a new city between Mesaieed and Al Wakrah
Road Monitoring, Tanzania
View project infoPuy du Fou, Toledo
View project infoWind Farms, Castilla-La Mancha
View project infoAustralia
Enviromental Monitoring at SSWA Desalination Plant works
Our staff has managed projects in a wide range of countries