Biodiversity Actions Punta de la Flecha. Palos de la Frontera Combined Cycle Power Plant.

Lepe, Huelva

Project Info

  • Client
  • Year
  • Tags
    Biodiversity Environment Wildbirds

Project Description

With the collaboration of AHUNA (Asociación Huelva Naturaleza y Aves), an action is being carried out to protect the nests of coastal birds, specifically the little tern (Sternula albifrons) and the kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) at Punta de la Flecha. This area is included in the Paraje Natural ‘Marismas del Río Piedra y Flecha del Rompido’, and is also designated as a Natura 2000 Network site, ZEPA-ZEC ‘ES6150006 Marismas del Río Piedra y Flecha del Rompido’.

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Among other actions, fencing has been installed to protect the breeding areas, informative posters, talks in educational centres.

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