In Your Hands

We understand Biodiversity conservation as a fundamental action for human well-being, protection and improvement to the variety for living species on Earth.

We conduct biodiversity studies to preserve biological wealth, ensure compatibility with environmental conservation, and propose measures to minimize impacts on key species and vulnerable habitats.

We carry out initiatives utilising Natural Capital approaches to better integrate the value of nature in accounting and decision-making. Creating an asset from which numerous benefits flow in the form of ecosystem services.
They have trusted us
Environmental reports of renewable energies
Preparation of environmental documents in the different phases of the execution of a renewable energy project. From planing through to execution.
We work with companies that are committed to Renewable Energy, as the engine of economic and social change. Fully focus on the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and the reduction of global warming.
Fauna and flora surveys
The survey effort assesses the diversity (how many different types), distribution (where they live), and abundance (how many individuals) of wildlife. It provides a wealth of information about species, which can be extrapolated to databases and aid decision-making.
Environmental monitoring of projects and infrastructures
A fundamental tool for monitoring the proper development of projects, as well as assessing evaluating environmental conditions and trends and obtaining data to inform those responsible.
Biodiversity Action Plans (BAP)
Biological information inventories for selected species or habitats; assessment of the conservation status of species within specific ecosystems; creating goals for conservation and restoration; and establising budgets, deadlines, and partnerships to implement BAPs.