Study of the Hydromorphological and Sanitary State of the River Reserve Sotos del río Tajo.
Zorita de los Canes. Guadalajara. Spain

Project Info
TagsBiodiversity Environment Offsetting Studies
Project Description
In accordance with the Environmental Impact Statement resolution for the Zorita I and Zorita II photovoltaic project, a compensatory measure has been requested to restore the riverbed of the Tajo River surrounding the meander within the Sotos del Río Tajo Fluvial Reserve, an area included in the Natura 2000 Network “ZEC-ZEPA Sierra de Altomira.” To determine the specific measures to be implemented, Biodiversity Node has conducted the following studies:
- Phytosanitary Assessment Report of the Sotos del Río Tajo Fluvial Reserve
- Generation of visible and thermal orthophotographs using drones
- Report on the presence of cataloged habitats and species in the meander and the Sotos del Río Tajo Fluvial Reserve
- Results Report on the Ecological Status Assessment in several river sections of the Tajo River
- Herpetofauna Study of the Sotos del Río Tajo Fluvial Reserve