Environmental Impact Assessment for the rehabilitation of 1500 ha of irrigation systems. Angola
Cuanza Sul - Huíla

Project Info
Year2024 (currently ongoing)
TagsAgriculture Environment Impact Studies Water
Project Description
In collaboration with GLOBALTEC, we have participated in a project for the Government of Angola, specifically under the Commercial Agriculture Development Project (PDAC). The initiative focuses on assessing the technical, economic, social, and environmental feasibility of rehabilitating irrigation systems in Kwanza Sul province. Its primary goal is to revitalize the productive capacity of selected perimeters, promote agricultural modernization, improve water use efficiency, enhance participatory management through water user associations, and deliver sustainable economic benefits to farming communities.
Our involvement included conducting detailed environmental and social assessments in compliance with Angola’s national regulations and the international standards established by the World Bank and the IFC Performance Standards. These assessments identified potential impacts, proposed mitigation measures, and ensured the project’s alignment with global best practices, supporting sustainable development and the long-term well-being of local communities.