Restoration of the Jarama river bank

Seseña, Toledo. España

Project Info

Project Description

Restoration, together with the Natural Environment Service of the Toledo Provincial Delegation of Castilla-La Mancha, of an estate owned by Seseña Town Council located in the Natura 2000 Network, specifically in the ZEPA site (ES0000438) ‘Carrizales y Sotos del Jarama y Tajo’.

This action is part of the Biodiversity Actions Project in the area surrounding the Aceca Combined Cycle Power Plant. Located in the municipality of Villaseca de la Sagra (Toledo), owned by NATURGY – company that financed the project. Various works have been carried out over two years:

  • Willow species staking.
  • Planting of poplars, black poplars, tamarisks, and rosaceous species, following a riparian forest structure.Installation of nest boxes for tits, hoopoes, and scops owls, as well as nest boxes on poles for small raptors.
  • Creation of bat shelters.

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