FIO 2024

Biodiversity Node has participated in this XIX edition of FIO (International Tourism Fair) carrying out an assessment of the quality of participation and objective analysis of the contents of FIO 2024. Interviews have been carried out with FIO participants (conference speakers, specialised workshops, nature artists, nature photographers, exhibitors, children’s workshop monitors, nature guides…), visitors and owners of local hospitality businesses, among others. The results of this evaluation will be of great help for the possible improvement of the quality of the contents and services of future editions of FIO.

In addition, Biodiversity moderated an interesting discussion, ‘Steppe Birds at the Crossroads: An Opportunity between Agriculture and Renewable Development’. The discussion focused on a general question: Is it possible to make the presence of steppe birds compatible with economic development, coexisting and generating opportunities for local development? This interesting round table was attended by Amanda del Río, from the Global Nature Foundation, a conservation-conscious farmer Félix Árias, and the ornithologist and nature guide Martin Kelsey.

In short, it has been a few days full of nerves due to the responsibility of carrying out an important project, excitement due to the reunions and meetings, motivation to continue learning and advancing thanks to the multitasking and the many different ways of working together.

This is FIO, an event that highlights, above all, unique moments, shared experiences and enthusiasm with the common goal of the passion for birds and Nature.
A thousand thanks to Birding in Extremadura, Fio Extremadura Birdwatching Fair Extremadura Turismo for letting us be part of this incredible experience full of beautiful stories.

Once again, thanks to all of you who make it possible for us to look forward to the 20th edition of the most special International Ornithological Tourism Fair.
Part of the photographic content below is from Birding in Extremadura’s RRSS publication about FIO.

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