Guide to Best Practices for Conducting Fauna Studies in Photovoltaic Solar Plant Installation Projects and Environmental Measures. MITECO

Project Info
ClientMITECO. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
TagsBiodiversity Environment Renewable energy Studies
Project Description
In collaboration with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) development of the “Guide to Best Practices for Integrating Fauna Conservation into the Design and Evaluation of Photovoltaic Solar Plants and Associated Environmental Measures”.
This guide was prepared by Rodrigo Fernández-Mellado, Eladio L. García de la Morena, Elena Baonza Díaz, Jon Domínguez del Valle, and Cristina Acosta Gallo, under the direction and coordination of Luis Benavente Fournier from the General Subdirectorate for Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity of MITECO, with the participation of Ángel Luis Sánchez Fernández, Montse Reina Nieves, Miguel Ángel Blasco Rodríguez, Begoña Álvarez Cabello, and Teresa Pereyra.
This technical document provides practical, evidence-based recommendations for assessing, preventing, and mitigating the environmental impacts of photovoltaic solar plant projects. Key highlights include:
- Evaluation methodologies: Detailed procedures for studying different faunal groups (birds, bats, terrestrial mammals, among others).
- Environmental measures: Strategies to avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts on biodiversity.
- Case studies: Examples of measures applied in real projects, including an analysis of their effectiveness.
- Monitoring program: Guidelines to ensure the proper implementation and evaluation of proposed measures.
We extend our gratitude to MITECO for the opportunity to develop this document, which we hope will contribute to a sustainable energy transition that respects biodiversity.
This work is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration that included valuable contributions from participants in roundtables and technical consultations, to whom we express our thanks for their input and cooperation: Alfonso Llamas, Environmental Impact Section, Biodiversity Service, Government of Navarra; José Manuel López, Department of Sustainable Development, Regional Government of Andalusia; Amparo Olivares Tormo, Red Natura 2000 Technical Specialist; Juan Tomás Alcalde, SECEMU; Ángel Sánchez García, Renewable Energy Environmental Evaluation Unit, Regional Government of Extremadura; Juan Traba, Professor, Department of Ecology, Autonomous University of Madrid; Antoni Margalida, IREC (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM); Luis Linares (Linaria Consultores), Environmental Consultancy; Carles Quer Feo, Department of Climate Action, Food, and Rural Agenda, Generalitat of Catalonia; Manel Pomarol, Head of the Fauna Conservation Section, Generalitat of Catalonia; Carlos Ibáñez (EBD, CSIC), SECEMU; Manuel B. Morales, Professor, Department of Ecology, Autonomous University of Madrid; Daniel Villero, Researcher at the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC); María Jesús Martos Salinero, Regional Government of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Sustainable Development, Andalusia; David Mingot, Protected Species Service, Community of Madrid; Miguel Ángel Cabrera Pérez, Biodiversity Service, Government of the Canary Islands; David Serrano (EBD-CSIC); Miguel Ángel Monsalve, Technical Assistance for Wildlife and Natura 2000 Network Service, Department of Agriculture, Valencia; Francisco Javier Sampietro Latorre, SARGA, Government of Aragón; Pedro García-Rovés González, Biologist at the Wildlife Service, Principality of Asturias; Gerard Bota, Researcher at the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC); Rafael Barrientos, Complutense University of Madrid; Jordi Salip, Regional Office of Environmental Action and Evaluation, Generalitat of Catalonia; Santiago Rodríguez Pizarro, Geobio DT Sustainable Development Málaga; José Luis Viejo, Professor, Department of Biology, Autonomous University of Madrid; Verónica Glez, Environment Commission of the Balearic Islands (CMAIB).
Acknowledgments: We thank Ángel Sánchez for facilitating visits to the Talayuela Solar and Núñez de Balboa facilities, Antonio Hernández from Ecoenergías del Guadiana for his support during these visits, and Gerard Bota for his contribution to the Segarra Garrigues case study. Our gratitude also goes to Ángel Collado from OPDE for granting access to capture images of the Zafra photovoltaic plant.