Agri-environmental compensation schemes. Spain

Project Info
ClientIMIDRA - Comunidad de Madrid Regional Government, Naturgy, Verbund, ENI Plenitude
Year2021 - Currently ongoing
TagsBiodiversity Environment Impact Offsetting Wildbirds
Project Description
Biodiversity Node currently manages several agri-environmental compensation schemes aimed at improving the steppe habitat inhabited by numerous endangered birds. Little Bustards, Great Bustards, Montagu’s Harriers, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Black-bellied Sandgrouse and Lesser Kestrels, among many other species, benefit from the implementation of habitat improvement programmes, through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
These are compensatory measures required to mitigate the impacts of steppe habitat loss caused by photovoltaic plant projects. After an initial design and land selection, our technicians reach agreements with farmers, so that they receive financial compensation for the loss of production involved in these sustainable practices.
These practices include the elimination of pesticides, creation of boundaries, crop rotation, sustainable fallow management, creation of abandonment strips, elimination of treated seeds, delayed harvesting or protection of nests of endangered species.
Biodiversity Node currently manages more than 300 ha in different regions of Spain, such as Toledo, Murcia, Cuenca and Madrid.