Renewable energy

Guide to Good Practices for Conducting Fauna Studies in Photovoltaic Solar Plant Installation Projects and Environmental Measures

From Biodiversity Node, in collaboration with the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), we have developed “Guide to Good Practices for Conducting Fauna Studies in Photovoltaic Solar Plant Installation Projects and Environmental Measures” It has been carried out by Rodrigo Fernández-Mellado, Eladio L. García de la Morena, Elena Baonza Díaz, Jon Domínguez

Guide to Good Practices for Conducting Fauna Studies in Photovoltaic Solar Plant Installation Projects and Environmental Measures Leer más »

DehesaMontado Iberian Congress. EVORA

Biodiversity Node has participated in the International Congress on Dehesa and Mountains, held in Évora (Portugal), presenting the poster entitled ‘Compatibility of the Dehesa with a Photovoltaic Plant: A Case of Regeneration in Escalona (Toledo)’. In this contribution, we share the results of innovative methodologies focused on the conservation and restoration of this valuable cultural

DehesaMontado Iberian Congress. EVORA Leer más »

Second Conference on Wind Energy Projects and their Impacts on Birds. CHILE

BBiodiversity Node was invited to take part in the Second Discussion on Wind Energy Projects and their Impacts on Birds. As part of the ‘Safe Sky’ series of talks included in the National Strategy for Species Conservation 2021-2023 (ENCA), promoted by the Ministry of Environment together with the Chilean Ministry of Energy. We shared a

Second Conference on Wind Energy Projects and their Impacts on Birds. CHILE Leer más »

III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Eagles of the Palearctic: Study and Conservation”. KAZAKSTÁN

Biodiversity Node has participated in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Eagles of the Palearctic: Study and Conservation’ and in the II International Workshop ‘Raptors and Energy Infrastructure’ in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Biodiversity Node, S.L. was invited to present a paper on the impact of wind farms on birds and bats, as well as how

III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Eagles of the Palearctic: Study and Conservation”. KAZAKSTÁN Leer más »

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